–The NV Senate Republican Caucus–
“The Nevada Senate Republican Caucus Endorses Lisa Krasner For State Senate District 16.”
-The Nevada Realtors Association-
–The Builders Association of Nevada–
-Nevada Recovery PAC–
-Nevada Contractors Association
-NRA- National Rifle Association, NRAILA : “A” Rating– Pro 2nd Amendment
-Nevada Firearms Coalition: “A” Rating -Pro-2nd Amendment
-The Professional FireFighters of Nevada
“The Professional FireFighters of Nevada proudly endorse Lisa Krasner for the NV State Senate District 16 seat.”
–The Nevada Veterans Association–
The Nevada Veterans Associations proudly Endorses Lisa Krasner For State Senate District 16.
-The State of Nevada Republican Party
The Nevada Republican Party has Endorsed Lisa Krasner for State Senate District 16. Lisa Krasner is the only Candidate in the State Senate District race Endorsed by the State of Nevada Republican Party.
-Nevada Law Enforcement-
The Public Safety Alliance of Nevada–
“The Public Safety Alliance of Nevada, Representing nearly One hundred Law Enforcement Organizations and Ten thousand Officers throughout Nevada, are pleased to endorse your 2022 campaign for NV State Senate District 16.”
–The Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers (NAPSO) and the Nevada Law Enforcement Coalition (NLEC)
-“The NV Association of Public Safety Officers (NAPSO) and the NNV Law Enforcement Coalition, representing Law Enforcement and other Public Safety personnel from across the State of Nevada. After consideration of your qualifications and experience, it is with pleasure that we offer our endorsement of your candidacy for NV State Senate District 16.“
-Henderson Chamber of Commerce- IMPAC Endorses “Pro-Business” Candidates Ahead of Primary Elections-
Pro-Business Candidate, Lisa Krasner is Endorsed for NV State Senate District 16.
–Veterans In Politics International –
“Lisa Krasner, The Board of Directors of Veterans In Politics voted to endorse you in the 2022 Election for State Senate District 16.”
-Keystone Corporation-
Keystone Corporation Endorses Pro-Business Candidate Lisa Krasner for State Senate District 16
The NV State Medical Association/ NV MEDPAC
NV MEDPAC endorses Lisa Krasner for State Senate District 16
The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce–
The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce endorses pro-business candidate Lisa Krasner for State Senate District 16.
-Nevada Right To Life –
Nevada Right to Life has Endorsed Lisa Krasner for State Senate District 16
–Sheriff Joseph Lombardo
–As a Nevada State Assemblywoman–
The State of Nevada Republican Party
Governor Jim Gibbons (Governor of Nevada, 2007-2010)
U.S. Senator Dean Heller
U.S. Congressman Mark Amodei
Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt
State of Nevada Controller Ron Knecht
State of Nevada Treasurer Dan Schwartz
Senator Don Gustavson
Sheriff Chuck Allen
Sheriff Darin Balaam
Sparks City Attorney, Chet Adams
Washoe County Commissioner Jeanne Herman
Washoe County Commissioner Marsha Berkbigler
National Rifle Association- “A” Rating
Nevada Firearms Coalition-“A” Rating
Nevada Right To Life
Nevada Veterans Association
Veterans In Politics International
Peace Officers Research Association of Nevada- PORAN
Nevada Law Enforcement Coalition
Professional Firefighters of Nevada
Nevada Trucking Association
Nevada Realtors Association
Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce
Henderson Chamber of Commerce
Israeli American Civic Action Network


Remember to Vote
Saturday, May 30 th, 2020Remember to #VOTE +You can mail in your Ballot until June 9, 2020. Vote in person in Washoe County at The Registrar of Voters Office 1001 E. 9th St. Reno, NV. Questions? Call the Registrar of Voters (775) 328-3670. I would appreciate your vote so that I can continue to fight for you!more -
Re-Elect Lisa Krasner
Saturday, May 30 th, 2020Reno Gazette Journal Newspaper- May 16, 2020 This opinion column was submitted by Lisa Krasner, candidate for Nevada Assembly District 26. Her campaign website is lisakrasner.com. Hello, I am Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner. I was first elected in 2016. I have served for two sessions in the Nevada Legislature and I am currently running for re-election for Nevadamore -
Lisa Krasner Endorsements 2020
Tuesday, May 05 th, 2020I am proud to have the endorsement/support of these groups/individuals: NRA- National Rifle Association NVFAC -Nevada Firearms Coalition Nevada Right To Life The State of Nevada Republican Party Nevada Veterans Association Veterans In Politics International Liberty PAC- Senator Don Gustavson Nevada Trucking Association Associated Builders and Contractors RANN- Retail Association of Nevada Nevada Realtors Associationmore -
Coronavirus- Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner- Resources for you
Saturday, April 25 th, 2020Dear Neighbor, As your Assemblywoman, your health and safety and the safety of our community is my top priority. Because of COVID-19, health officials are recommending staying home,and cancelling group gatherings. Symptoms of COVID-19 include: Fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Preventative measures include: -Staying home when sick. -Covering mouth and nose when coughing ormore -
Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner supports STEM
Friday, February 21 st, 2020I enjoyed being a part of Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day! Thank you TESLA for sponsoring this Science,Technology Engineering & Math Event to get more girls and young women interested in #STEM. Thank you to Truckee Meadows Community College and Washoe County School District #EngineerLikeAGirlmore -
Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner seeks 2020 re-election
Friday, February 21 st, 2020Tahoe Daily Tribune- Nevada Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner announced Wednesday morning that she will seek re-election for Assembly District 26, which includes Incline Village and Crystal Bay on Lake Tahoe’s North Shore. If elected in the November 2020 election, it would be her third term representing the district. Krasner was endorsed by the Assembly Republican Caucus,more