Senator Lisa Krasner learned her work ethic from her father who immigrated to the United States, the legal way. He stood in line, filled out the forms, and taught himself how to read, write and speak English, and he worked hard to provide for his family. From her father Lisa learned that she could accomplish anything if she worked hard enough.
Education is important to Lisa. She was the first in her family to attend and graduate from a four-year university and receive a Bachelor’s Degree, as well as the first in her family to receive a Doctorate degree. Lisa balanced her studies while working her way through U.C.L.A. and Law School. Lisa has a Bachelor’s Degree from UCLA, and a Juris Doctor Degree from the University of LaVerne College of Law.
Lisa’s love for education led her to join the faculty of the University of Phoenix, teaching courses on Political Science, the United States Constitution, NV Constitution, Advocacy & Mediation, State & Local Political Processes, Critical Thinking, and Business Law. She currently teaches U.S. Constitution and NV Constitution courses in the Political Science Department at Truckee Meadows Community College.
Lisa believes in creating strong communities. Lisa served as a Commissioner on the State of Nevada Commission On Aging and Disability for three years. She worked on legislation that helped our community’s senior citizens with the issues that are important to them.
Lisa also served as a Commissioner for the City of Reno’s Recreation and Parks Commission for seven years, where she advocated for a family-friendly environment in the City of Reno.
Through her love of the arts, Lisa served on the Reno Philharmonic Association Board of Trustees and as the President of the Reno Philharmonic Guild.
Lisa cares about education. She was an active participant in her children’s public schools for their entire education. Lisa volunteered in the classroom, teaching Junior Achievement. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Hunsberger Elementary School PTA. She was also a member of the Galena High School PTO Boosters. Additionally, Lisa served on the Board of Directors of the State of Nevada P.T.A.
She is a member of the Alliance with Washoe County Medical Society, and former First Vice President of the Board. She is a former member of the Junior League of Reno. She is a member of the Washoe Republican Central Committee, and a member of the Incline Village Republican Women’s Club. She is an Associate member of the Carson City Republican Women, Mt. Rose Republican Women, the Republican Women of Reno, and the Washoe Republican Women.
Lisa also serves on the National Board of Directors of Women In Government, an organization that encourages women to run for public office. Additionally, she serves on the Board of Directors of The National Foundation for Women Legislators. Lisa has received numerous honors and awards as a Legislator, including the National Woman of Achievement and Distinction Award. She also received the National Rising Star Award from Governing , Inc. Lisa has been called “A Rising Star and One to Watch”
Lisa was elected by the people as the NV State Assemblywoman for District 26 on November 8, 2016. She served for three Regular Sessions and three Special Sessions in the Nevada State Assembly.
During the 2017 Nevada Legislative Session, Lisa served on four Legislative Committees: Judiciary, Corrections, Parole & Probation, Education, and Natural Resources & Mining. She served as the Minority Chair for Corrections, Parole and Probation.
During the 2018 Interim Session, Lisa served on the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, and the Legislative Commission on Veterans, Senior citizens, and persons with disabilities.
During the 2019 Nevada Legislative Session, Lisa served on the Health and Human Services Committee, Education Committee, and on the Judiciary Committee (as Minority Chair). Lisa served in Leadership as the Assembly Republican Whip.
During the 2020 Interim, Lisa served on The Legislative Commission and the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice Committees.
Lisa also served in the 31st , 32nd , and 33rd Nevada Legislature Special Sessions in 2020 and 2021. In these sessions, she served as the Assembly Republican Whip. The 33rd Special Session took place in November 2021 and centered on redistricting.
In November 2020, Lisa was re-elected by the people to serve her third regular term as Nevada State Assemblywoman.
During the 2021 Nevada Legislative Session Lisa worked hard for the people of Nevada. She again served in leadership as the Republican Assistant Whip, on the Judiciary Committee as the Assembly Republican Chair, on the Health & Human Services Committee, and on the Education Committee. Lisa passed six Bills into law to improve the lives of Nevadan’s, help Disabled Veteran’s, Victims of Human Trafficking, Children, person’s working in the Building and Construction industry and Affordable housing, Job creation, Holocaust & other Genocide Education, Senior Citizens & Disabled persons. Lisa voted NO on the big Mining Tax, a tax directed at a single industry.
In 2022, Lisa served on three Interim Committees: 1. The Legislative Commission, 2. The Judiciary Committee, and 3. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
With tremendous encouragement from people in the community and business leaders, Lisa announced her plans to run for NV State Senate District 16 in August 2021. The people elected Lisa in the June Primary Election. Lisa won the June Primary Election on June 14, 2022. Lisa went on to win the November General Election on November 8, 2022.
Lisa was elected by the people as the State Senator for Nevada Senate District 16 on November 8, 2022.
Lisa first served in her capacity as a Nevada State Senator during the 2023 NV Legislative Session.
During the 2023 NV legislative Session, she served on The Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Government Affairs Committee, and Senate Legislative Operations and Elections Committee.
In 2023, Lisa sponsored various Legislation such as:
1. Public Safety- Abolish the Statute of Limitations for sexual assault of adults in civil actions. Previously the Statute of Limitations was only two years. This will keep the court room doors open for survivors of sexual assault. – This bill passed unanimously in both houses of the Legislature and was signed into law.
2. Public Safety- Mandate that the DNA from a victim/survivors rape kit or sexual assault investigation can only be used to solve the crime or apprehend the perpetrator. Strengthens the Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights. This was a Fourth Amendment privacy concern. This bill passed unanimously in both houses of the Legislature and was signed into law.
3. Special Olympics- Request for funding to open a Charter for Special Olympics in the State of Nevada and expand opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities. This passed in a separate bill.
4. Limited Government/Checks & Balances- Limit the Governor’s Emergency powers to 30 Days. This Bill would limit any Nevada Governor’s Emergency powers to thirty days, and allow the Legislature to be called into a Special Session, and encourage input from the citizens and experts. This did not pass.
5. Civics- Lisa co-sponsored a Bill for the “We The People” high school Civics Competition in Nevada. This bill passed.
Lisa also co-sponsored a bill on Voter ID- All citizens must show a valid photo Identification to vote. If they cannot afford on, one will be provided to them free of charge. This bill did not pass.
Lisa served as the Senator for District 16 in the 2023 NV Legislative Session, as well as in the 34th Special Session of the NV Legislature and 35th Special Session of the NV Legislature.
Lisa is married to Charles Krasner, M.D. and they have two adult children.

Gloria Allred, Governor Sandoval, Lisa Krasner at Bill signing for AB145-Child victims of sexual abuse 2017.
2017 Nevada Legislative Session– My proudest moment of the 2017 Nevada Legislative session was working side by side with civil rights attorney Gloria Allred on AB145, and changing the law for Child Victims of Sexual Abuse- I invited every member of the Legislature to sign on to my Bill. AB145 passed unanimously in the Assembly & Senate with every Republican & Democrat voting YES, and Governor Sandoval signed it into law.
AB145-(2017) Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner- Child Victims of Sexual Abuse -February 13, 2017
Extends the statute of limitations for certain civil actions for damages for injuries incurred as a child as a result of sexual abuse or pornography. (BDR 2-584)
Summary: Extends the statute of limitations for certain civil actions for damages for injuries incurred as a child as a result of sexual abuse or pornography. (BDR 2-584) Introduction Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
Digest: This bill extends the time by which a civil action to recover damages arising from the sexual abuse of a person who is less than 18 years of age must be commenced from 10 years to 20 years after the person reaches 18 years of age or discovers or should have discovered that an injury was caused by the sexual abuse, whichever is later. This bill also extends the time by which a civil action to recover damages arising from the appearance of a person who is less than 16 years of age in pornographic material must be commenced from 3 years to 20 years after the person reaches 18 years of age or after a court enters a verdict in a related criminal case, whichever is later. Primary Sponsor-Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner
AB164-(2017) Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner- VOTER ID- February 13, 2017
Reno Gazette Journal- Seth Richardson- “Amid national concerns that voter fraud is rampant, Reno Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner introduced a Bill requiring Voter Identification at the polls.” Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner (R) introduced Assembly Bill 164 on Monday, that would mandate voters show identification when voting. The bill also requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide voter identification at no cost if a person cannot afford it.
2019 Nevada Legislative Session- Lisa’s Bills-
Lisa Krasner is an advocate for victim’s rights-–
During the 2019 NV Legislature, Lisa served as the Whip for the Assembly Republican Caucus.
Despite today’s hyper-partisan political environment, I was able to reach across the aisle and work in a bipartisan manner with Democrats to address issues important to all Nevadans. Six of my bills passed this session, all unanimously. These bills dealt with:
AB 142 -Sexual assault- removes the time limitation for prosecution of sexual assault if there is DNA evidence. Addresses the rape-kit backlog.
AB 410 -Public Safety/ Domestic violence- extends the time a temporary order for protection remains in effect from 30 days to 45 days.
AB 120 -Sex trafficking- expands the definition of sex trafficking to include exchanges of non-monetary items such as drugs, phones and other items of value
AB 261- Education/Children/Child sexual abuse- requires schools to report on training for teachers/administrators regarding personal safety of children and reporting child sexual abuse cases to law enforcement
SB 368- Sex trafficking victims, addresses the rape-kit backlog in Nevada. Creates a survivor’s bill of rights. Co-sponsored with Senator Spearman
SB 279- Government Accountability- requiring the board of trustees of a General Improvement District to follow certain procedures before selling real property . Co-sponsored with Senator Kieckhefer.

2021 Nevada Legislative Session –
During the 2021 NV legislative Session Lisa served as the Whip for the Assembly Republican Caucus.
We have a new Administration in Washington, D.C. yet federal politics remain as divisive as ever. Most Americans are sick of partisan politics; elected representatives who refuse to co-operate with people of other political parties, regardless of the issue. While I do not compromise on principles, I believe that working together on non- partisan issues that are important to everyone, regardless of their political party affiliation, is in the best interest of the people.
The 81st Nevada Legislative Session ended “Sine Die” on May 31, 2021. I write today to inform you of the hard work that I did on your behalf during the 120 day Legislative Session. I am proud to announce that six of the Bills that I sponsored were signed into law. I worked together with Republicans and Democrats, to create bi-partisan legislation to benefit all Nevadans.
2021 Legislative Session– Lisa’s Bills –
1. AB 102 -For Disabled Veterans-(With Asm Flores)- This Bill allows honorably discharged United States Veteran’s to enter Nevada State Parks for free. This was one of the top priorities for the Nevada State Veterans Association.
2. AB 143- For victims of Human Trafficking- (With Asm. Bilbray-Axelrod)-This Bill creates the State of Nevada Human Trafficking Coalition, and a statewide Resources Web page for victims of human trafficking. This Bill will help local human trafficking task forces in Nevada to cooperate, communicate, and coordinate on a statewide level and allow Nevada to receive increased federal funding.
3.AB 251– Children/Juvenile Justice-(With Asm. Nguyen)- This Bill allows children to have their juvenile court record automatically sealed at age eighteen years old and allows them to petition the court to have their juvenile record expunged if the crime was a Misdemeanor or less. (Did you know a minor can be arrested for a Misdemeanor for drinking a beer in public?) This previously created a permanent criminal record for a child age seventeen or younger, hindering their acceptance into college and their chances of getting a job. This will give our kids a fresh start and a second chance.
4. AB 333– Land Use Planning/Affordable Housing- (With Asm. Roberts)- This Bill addressed a loophole in the law to help persons working in the building & construction industry to create jobs and build the affordable Housing that we need in Nevada.
5. AB 231 – Holocaust and other Genocide Education in our schools-(With Asm. Cohen)- This Bill states that Education on the Holocaust and other genocides may be taught during Social studies classes. With Anti-Semitism on the rise in our country, it is important that we never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust and other genocides. Discrimination in any form is wrong.
6. AB 344 -Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons-(With Asm. Thomas)- This Bill will help with the transition of older persons and persons with disabilities when discharged from a hospital to their places of residence. Staff will review with the patient what medications they need to order, and who to contact for their next appointment.


2023 NV Legislative Session-
During the 2023 NV Legislative Session , Lisa served as Whip for the Senate Republican Caucus.
2023 NV Legislative Session- Lisa’s Bills:
1. Senate Bill 129– Public Safety– Abolish the Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault of adults in civil actions. Previously the Statute of Limitations was only two years. This will keep the court room doors open for survivors of sexual assault. – This bill passed unanimously in both houses of the Legislature and was signed into law.
2. Senate Bill 321– Public Safety– Mandate that the DNA from a victim/survivors rape kit or sexual assault investigation can only be used to solve the crime or apprehend the perpetrator. Strengthens the Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights. This was a Fourth Amendment privacy concern. This bill passed unanimously in both houses of the Legislature and was signed into law.
3. Senate Bill 219– NV Special Olympics– Request for funding to open a Charter for Special Olympics in the State of Nevada and expand opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities. This passed in a separate bill.
4. Senate Bill 130– Limited Government/Checks & Balances– Limit the Governor’s Emergency powers to 30 Days. This Bill would limit any Nevada Governor’s Emergency powers to thirty days, and allow the Legislature to be called into a Special Session, and encourage input from the citizens and experts. This did not pass.
5. Senate Bill 285; 236- Civics Education– Lisa co-sponsored a Bill for the “We The People” high school Civics Competition in Nevada. This bill passed.
Lisa also co-sponsored a bill on Voter ID– All citizens must show a valid photo Identification to vote. If they cannot afford on, one will be provided to them free of charge. This bill did not pass.
Lisa served as the Senator for District 16 in the 2023 NV Legislative Session, as well as in the 34th Special Session of the NV Legislature and 35th Special Session of the NV Legislature.

2024 NV Legislature Interim Committees– During the 2024 Interim, Lisa served on four Interim Committees.
1.The Legislative Commission
2.The Judiciary Committee
3.Senior Citizens, Veterans and Persons with Disabilities Committee.
4.The Sentencing Commission
“ I want to thank you for your input during the Nevada Legislative session. The concerns of my constituents are very important to me in deciding how to vote on a particular issue. Serving as your State Senator is a responsibility that I take very seriously. I am dedicated to making Nevada an even better place to live, work and raise a family. It is an honor to represent you in your government.”