This Is Reno: Lisa Krasner announces campaign for Assembly District 26

KranserHeadShot[1]Republican Lisa Krasner announced Wednesday that she is running for Assembly District 26 currently held by Assemblyman Randy Kirner. She is a community activist, former City of Reno Parks Commissioner and instructor at University of Phoenix and Truckee Meadows Community College.“I’m running for Assembly 26 because Nevadans can’t afford more taxes,” said Krasner. “I will fight for Nevada’s hardworking taxpayers and job creators, and I won’t support additional tax increases.”Krasner decided to run because she feels that while Nevada families are being forced to live within their household budgets, Nevada’s government needs to work within their budget as well, rather than looking to increasing taxes on families and small businesses.

“Our neighbors don’t feel like they’re being represented, and I want to change that,” Krasner said. “I care about our community, and I think I can do a better job representing the people of my district and the people of Nevada. The people will have a choice in this election.”

Krasner was the first in her family to attend and graduate from a four-year university and receive her Bachelor’s degree, as well as the first in her family to receive a Doctorate degree. She is married to Charles Krasner, M.D. and has two children.

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