Lisa Krasner moves on to the November General Election!

Did you see the results from last night’s Primary Election? We are moving forward to the November 2014 General Election!!!

Our campaign has spent a small fraction of the money our opponent has spent, and we were merely 8% behind him-  a very small margin for a newcomer like me, supported only by the people;  running against an incumbent supported by big special interest groups & big money from Las Vegas!

That’s pretty impressive, and it is all because of YOU! Your generosity, support, help, and contributions have been overwhelming, and I thank you!

I’m very optimistic about last night’s election results. We need to keep up the momentum, and continue to send a message that Washoe County voters are tired of the same old politics and the same old politicians, and we are ready for a fresh face and a fresh approach in Assembly District 26!

I want to serve in the NV legislature  because I am passionate about representing YOU in your government,  and upholding YOUR  rights under the Constitution.
We need to keep getting the word out. Please continue to tell your friends and families about Lisa Krasner for Assembly District 26!

Warmest regards,    Lisa  🙂