Dear Neighbor,
As your Assemblywoman, your health and safety and the safety of our community is my top priority. Because of COVID-19, health officials are recommending staying home,and cancelling group gatherings.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.
Preventative measures include:
-Staying home when sick.
-Covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
-Washing hands with soap and water
-Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects
We’ll get through this together by being kind to each other, and keeping healthy. Prepare, don’t panic.
Yours in service,
Assemblywoman Lisa Krasner
If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms call:
Washoe County Health District: 775.328.2427;
Renown Hospital: 775-982-5000 or your own Doctor.
Nevada Health Response– Updates on Nevada coronavirus(COVID-19)
City of Reno– updates- https://www.reno.gov
Washoe County updates: https://covid19washoe.com/
Nevada Department of Employment and Training– https://detr.nv.gov/
Nevada Department of Employment– To file a claim: http://ui.nv.gov/
NV Small Businesses are approved for low-interest federal loans as a
result of Coronavirus : http://SBA.gov/Disaster ; SBA.gov
The Center For Disease Control– https://www.cdc.gov
Meals on Wheels/ Washoe County Senior Services
1155 E. 9th Street Reno, NV 89512
(775).328.2575 email: sr_info@washoecounty.us
NV Energy: (800) 331-3103
Southwest Gas: (877) 860-6020
Crisis Support Services: Toll Free- (800) 273-8255